민병철 유폰 My last trip 복습 

미션72회x3회 = 216번 전화수업 진행

(수업 3회 -> 미션1회)

코로나 때문에 회사가 휴업 상태에  들어간지도 벌써 두달이 다되어간다.

회사가 걱정되지만 당장 몸이 편하니 좋긴 좋다.

벌써 여름이 코앞까지 왔는지 이젠 제법 덥다.

오늘 전화영어는 에어컨 빵빵하게 틀어주는 동네 맥도날드에서 진행했다.

그럼 복습 시작~

(전화영어 질문은 저작권 문제로 한글로 간략히 표기합니다.) 

무료 전화테스트 원하시는 분은 아래 링크를 클릭해보세요.

링크 클릭시 수강신청시 바로 쓸 수 있는 적립금 3만원을 제공합니다.


1. 마지막 여행지는?

A  month ago, I planed travel for my family and we went to Jeju Island.

That time Covid19 was calmed down so it was good time for trip.

Since my parents like climbing mountain, I planed climbing Mt.hanra.

Mt.hara was more beautiful than my expectation and my parents really liked it as well.

The route we walked on was not that hard so we enjoyed climbing a lot.

And the hotel we stayed in was so nice.

The price of hotel was supposed to be expensive but using a application I could book reasonably.

Since we had not went to trip together for several years, it was so meaningful.

If possible I will make next plan for family travel in 2021.

2. 여행가면 쉬는 타입? 액티비티 즐기는 타입?

It's up to the period.

If I have a long vacation then I will take part in lots of activities.

but If I have a only short vacation then I will take a rest in a hotel catching up on sleep.

Either way I need some time to cool down myself since I am the person who easily get stress.

3. 혼자 여행이 좋은지 친구랑 같이 가는게 좋은지?

I used to travel alone.

But one day I felt lonely and I don't go travel alone anymore.

So I prefer to go travel with my friend.

Few weeks ago I and one of my friends went to 삼천포 together and we had a fun there drinking some alcohol.

민병철 유폰 My last trip 복습 끝


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